HPC Boosting Europe’s quantum infrastructure Pasqal's 100-qubit quantum computer has arrived in Jülich, Germany Latest Content HLRS launches "Hunter" supercomputer GCS calls for “Gauss AI compute competition” UK government outlines 10-year investment focused on AI expansion New technologies Hot Interconnects 2023 Call for Papers Penguin updates its cluster management software SingularityCE 3.11 broadens HPC workflows with OCI compatibility White papers Energy efficiency is driving many HPC users to the Cloud This White Paper from Hyperion Research demonstrates how HPC users can use the energy-efficient accelerated compute from Amazon Web Services (AWS) and NVIDIA to run more workloads, faster. PRACE Software Strategy for European Exascale Systems-Paper This strategy paper describes PRACE’s position on and contributions to applications and software for the European Exascale Systems. Best Practice Guide - Modern Accelerators Hardware accelerators offer certain advantages over general-purpose Central Processing Units (CPUs) as they provide a greater computational t Webcasts On Demand Webinar: Consolidating computing resources can democratise research infrastructure Energy-efficient infrastructure for HPC workloads - FREE live webinar More content Cloud services help researchers mitigate the risk of adopting HPC AMD increases HPC and AI application performance with ROCm 6.3 Climate Emulator reduces computational costs and storage for high-resolution models The latest HPC and AI software development tools for 2024 Nvidia accelerates Google Quantum AI processor design El Capitan is the world’s fastest supercomputer SEMIFIVE collaborates with Synopsys to develop advanced chiplet platform IQM unveils roadmap focused on fault-tolerant quantum computing by 2030 Eviden develops scale-out networking to support AI and HPC workloads Jülich supercomputing centre announces QSolid quantum prototype Argonne researchers advance AI-driven protein design using the world's largest supercomputers atNorth announces data centre expansion in Iceland Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 2 Next page Next ›