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The Unscrambler X 10.2

Camo Software has announced a new version of its all-in-one Multivariate Data Analysis (MVA) and Design of Experiments (DoE) software, The Unscrambler X. Version 10.2 has improved performance and is optimised for greater usability, security and reliability. Among the new features are digital signatures for enhanced data integrity, an Interpolation function and a compliance mode that has been added as an installation option for organisations that must meet the requirements of electronic signature and records handling.  

Further improvements include the addition of Recalculate With New as a new feature to PCA, PCR, PLS, which allows new data to be added to an existing model; Support Vector Machine Regression (SVMR); and three new spectroscopy vendor-specific imports in the form of DeltaNu, rap-ID and Visiotec. Current users of The Unscrambler are encouraged to upgrade to the new version. A free 30-day trial version of The Unscrambler X 10.2 is available for download from the company’s website.


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