Lingumatics, the enterprise text mining provider, has introduced I2E 3.1 for unlocking value from the wealth of unstructured text resources available to pharmaceutical companies.
I2E is a high performance natural language processing (NLP)-based text mining platform that streamlines knowledge discovery from text. The new version provides benefits including easy-to-use querying for new users, enhanced integration with enterprise software and text-based resources, out-of-the-box query libraries, and even faster delivery of high quality results.
I2E 3.1 supports efficient real-time enterprise knowledge discovery. A wide spectrum of users can now mine content from more sources and in more formats, including directories and SharePoint folders with mixed document types. I2E 3.1 also provides intelligent answers for an increasing range of domains from R&D to business applications. Support for tailored query deployment for different applications ensures that decision makers have direct and timely access to relevant insights.