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COMP Superscalar (COMPSs)

The Grid Computing and Clusters Team at Barcelona Supercomputing Center has released a new version of the COMP Superscalar (COMPSs) programming environment. This version of COMPSs is the result of the work of the team on the provision of a set of tools that helps developers to program and execute their applications efficiently on distributed computational infrastructures such as clusters, grids and clouds.

COMPSs has previously been available to MareNostrum users and to the Spanish Supercomputing Network, and has been adopted in several research projects such as Optimis, Venus-C, TransPlant, EUBrazilOpenBio and EGI. COMPSs was downloaded more than 500 times in 2012 and is used by around 20 groups in real applications. It has recently attracted interest from areas such as genomics and biodiversity, where specific courses and dissemination actions have been performed.

The current release is interoperable with both public and private cloud providers like Amazon EC2, OpenNebula, BSC EMOTIVE Cloud and with OCCI compliant offerings.


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