Following its acquisition of MDL’s products, Symyx Technologies has made several improvements to the MDL Isentris informatics system. Version 3.0 integrates information from both internal and external sources in a single search engine. It also includes new tools that highlight data relevant to the user, which could include the toxicity, biological activity, and compound availability.
The new version allows scientists to personalise the way they view the data. They can save sophisticated searches and use the same forms to generate comprehensive reports. A reaction planning tool would help synthetic chemists to formulate reaction plans using large databases that contain more than 17 million reactions, such as the CrossFire Beilstein database.
Once researchers have identified the information they need, Isentris provides tools to manipulate, visualise and present the data using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, TIBCO Spotfire DecisionSite and NMR and molecular property predictors from ACD/Labs.
Isentris helps organisations to improve their data management and accelerate their workflow processes by providing easier access to information and improved reporting.