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Integration of modeFrontier with STAR-CCM+

STAR-CCM+ users are now able to take advantage of the optimisation and automation capabilities of process integration and design optimisation tool, modeFrontier, thanks to the new integration with CD-adapco’s Optimate add-on. Engineers performing CFD analyses can now run STAR-CCM+ simulations within this versatile collaborative environment, utilising the wide range of advanced features provided by the platform to pinpoint the best possible design.

The integration node with Optimate allows input and output parameters, defined by the user in the STAR-CCM+ model, to be exposed, and automatically creates a modeFrontier workflow, leaving only objectives and constraints to be set within modeFrontier’s powerful workflow editor. This open platform enables designers to integrate STAR-CCM+ in complex multi-disciplinary projects involving CAD and other CAE tools, and to take advantage of a full collection of sophisticated algorithms (from gradient-based to genetic) to define optimisation strategies. Furthermore, having access to modeFrontier Response Surface Methodologies enables design cycle times to be drastically reduced in projects requiring significant computational time.


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