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FastDL v2.4

Tech-X has released FastDL v2.4, a software framework that enables parallel computations with IDL from ITT Visual Information Solutions. The new release improves both the performance and robustness of FastDL.

FastDL includes TaskDL, which allows users to run independent IDL jobs on multiple networked processors or compute clusters simultaneously. The new release streamlines TaskDL to improve performance and reliability.

The new release also offers a variety of APIs (application programming interfaces) for users to interact with TaskDL from other languages such as Java, C++ or Python. Powerful task grouping mechanisms and priority schemes enable the design of complex pipelining applications as encountered in image processing pipelines.

mpiDL, the second component of FastDL, provides IDL users with an interface to the standard message passing interface (MPI) libraries for distributed computing in C and Fortran.

With more than 200 MPI routines available, researchers can use point-to-point and collective message passing, manipulate communication groups, define specialised data types and process data across clusters of computers while maintaining the familiar IDL syntax and ease-of-use. mpiDL uses the standardised MPI communication protocols.


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