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Companies face extreme-scale computing challenges

Intel has selected E.T. International (ETI), a provider of system software solutions for hybrid and many-core hardware architectures, as system software partner to spearhead the development of high-performance parallel runtime systems for future many-core computer architectures. Part of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) recent Ubiquitous High Performance Computing (UHPC) programme, this collaboration is an element of the public-private research initiative to build an energy-efficient extreme-scale computer system. The DARPA UHPC programme seeks to develop these extreme-scale computing systems by 2018. Intel's UHPC team, jointly funded by Intel and DARPA, includes Rishi Khan, ETI vice president of R&D, among its principal investigators.

Extreme-scale computing presents enormous power consumption challenges not previously encountered with conventional cluster computing. Compounding these hardware challenges, an execution model must be designed to exploit the underlying performance of the hardware platform and run applications in an ultra parallel and efficient fashion. The coupling of these challenges requires a hardware and software co-design ecosystem that will take full advantage of supercomputing power and capacity.

In addition to ETI, other partners on the Intel team include Reservoir Labs; University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; University of California, San Diego; and University of Delaware, lead by principal investigator and ETI founder Guang Gao.

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