Roche has doubled its capacity for early research and technical development of therapeutic proteins (TP expand project) at its biotechnology site in Penzberg, Germany.
Avoiding building a new facility, a master plan was created featuring six independent projects and a GMP IT system known as Damas, by Vialis. The Damas system is the key component at the Penzberg site.
The system is a site-wide data management system using ELN and LIMS technology that works with all of the R&D operation for data acquisition, management and analysis. Damas integrates 133 pilot plant systems, 260 simultaneous users, 954 analytical devices, and 700,000 samples per year.
The integration of the wide variety of analytical devices into Damas was accomplished using the centrally available Enterprise Lab Automation platform (ELA) supplied and supported by Vialis.
Ranging from the integration of chromatography data systems to the procedural integration of simple devices such as osmometers, blood gas analysers and pH-meters instrument integration is considered one of the biggest success factors of the project. The implemented device integration has significantly reduced the effort for documentation.
Many of the interfaces provide workflow control at the instrument level using touch panel PCs and simple user interfaces that make the interaction for the user efficient, reducing cycle times without a significant learning curve.