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The Portland Group bought by Nvidia

Nvidia has acquired The Portland Group (PGI), the independent supplier of compilers and tools to the high-performance computing industry.

Founded in 1989, PGI has a long history of innovation in HPC compiler technology for Intel, IBM, Linux, OpenMP, GPGPU and ARM. Nvidia has worked closely with the company for the past five years.

PGI and its staff will continue to operate under the PGI flag – developing OpenACC, Cuda Fortran and Cuda x86 for multicore x86, and GPGPUs. The company will continue to serve its customers including chip makers, research labs and HPC computing centres.

A spokesman for Nvidia said: 'Bringing our teams together further cements our strong, established technical partnership in creating developer tools for the accelerated computing revolution.

'It also strengthens the OpenACC initiative to create an easy on-ramp to parallel computing by joining the world’s top independent provider of OpenACC compilers with the world’s best GPU designers.'

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