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MTU Aero Engines deploys Altair solutions

MTU Aero Engines, a German provider of aero engines for the civil and military aircraft industry, has selected HyperWorks as its primary strategic solution for CAE pre- and post-processing and PBS Professional for high-performance computing tasks.

HyperWorks is Altair’s comprehensive simulation platform for rapid design exploration and decision-making. MTU selected the platform following a year-long enterprise benchmark that deeply investigated all major CAE commercial software packages. As a result, MTU will deploy the HyperWorks modules HyperMesh and HyperView across the larger part of its development groups worldwide, entirely replacing its former commercial pre- and post-processing solution.

PBS Professional, Altair’s commercial-grade workload management and job submission solution, provides a flexible on-demand cloud computing environment that allows enterprises to easily share distributed computing resources. PBS Professional will serve as MTU’s strategic workload management solution, handling job distribution and scheduling of high-performance enterprise computing resources.


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