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Kobe University to deploy Fujitsu supercomputer

As part of a collaborative agreement with the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Sciences in the fields of computational science and computer science, Kobe University will deploy Fujitsu's Primehpc FX10 supercomputer for the university's information sciences curriculum. The Kobe University Graduate School of System Informatics, established in April 2010, will use the new system to develop student capabilities and nurture the development of human resources who will be involved in creating new fields of research and interdisciplinary areas utilising supercomputer technology.

Due to begin operations in August 2012, the new system will be installed in the Integrated Research Center of Kobe University located on Kobe's Port Island and is being configured from a 96-node, single-rack model of Fujitsu's Primehpc FX10 supercomputer, an enhancement of K computer technology. Nodes are equipped with Sparc64 IXfx processors, interconnected through ‘Tofu’ interconnects employing the highly flexible six-dimensional Mesh/Torus architecture. The theoretical peak performance for the entire system is 20 teraflops. For saving simulation data and performing backup, the system is equipped with 120TB of storage through two Eternus DX80 storage systems. Kobe University will also employ 40 Fujitsu Esprimo K552/D desktop units for user training purposes.

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