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Giant leap for Texas computing centre

This summer, the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin will jump from 10 gigabits per second (Gbps) to 100 Gbps in internet connectivity with the help of Internet2, operator of the nation’s fastest research and education network.

The upgrade will enable scientists to reach TACC using Internet2’s new 100 Gigabit-Ethernet and 8.8-terabit-per-second optical network, platform, services and technologies.

'TACC's world-class computational, visualisation and storage systems enable users to create and manipulate petabytes of data, and we’ll add new systems focusing on data intensive computing starting this summer,' said TACC director Jay Boisseau.

'This Internet2 bandwidth upgrade will enable researchers to achieve a tenfold increase in moving data to/from TACC's supercomputing, visualisation and data storage systems, greatly increasing their productivity and their ability to make new discoveries.'

TACC’s systems are available to scientists across the USA through the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), most of whom are already located at Internet2-connected institutions and many of whose institutions will move to 100 Gbps connections in the coming years. The XSEDE organisation announced in April 2013 that it had migrated and upgraded its network backbone infrastructure to the Internet2 network.

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