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AstraZeneca embarks on year-long pilot of oncology program

AstraZeneca is embarking on a year-long pilot of Compendia Bioscience’s oncology gene expression profiles and analysis tools.

This licensing agreement gives AstraZeneca access to Oncomine Concepts Edition (OCM), which combines nearly 7,000 proprietary cancer gene signatures with 11,000 gene, protein, drug, and pathway signatures collected from the literature and other public sources.

The Concepts Map application uses gene sets as a common language to compare and link disparate biological concepts, allowing researchers to discover and explore new biology based on signatures related to drugs and/or disease pathways.

A recent study published in Nature Genetics (2007 Jan; 39(1): 41-51) used Oncomine Concepts Map to analyse prostate cancer gene expression in the context of the other gene signatures available in OCM. The result was an important new model describing the progression of prostate cancer.


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